Thursday, May 11, 2023

Spider-Man 2 Movie review


Spider-Man 2 is a sequel to the Spider-Man movie from 2002 made by Sony Studios. It stars Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker also known as Spider-Man as he battles Doc Ock. this movie also focuses on how peter balances being Spider-man and Peter Parker.


The movie begins with Peter arriving to his day job. He gets fired and heads home after failing to deliver some pizzas. when he arrives home MJ, Harry and Aunt May are there to celebrate his birthday. In the movie Peter is seen trying to balance being Spider-Man and Peter Parker.
He also meets Otto Octavius through his schoolwork. MJ is an actor and wants Peter to come to her play but, he can't make it because he has to go and stop car thieves as Spider-Man. after that Peter attends a party because J. Jonah Jameson's social photographer can't make it. there he sees MJ agree to marry John Jameson. On Doc Ock's side he tries to create a fusion power machine, but the experiment fails, and Otto's wife is killed. his arms are merged into his body because of the experiment. his arms attack and kill all of the surgeons who try to remove the arms. Ock tries to rob a bank where Peter and Aunt May are trying to get a loan 
for her house debt. Ock and Spidey battle and Aunt May is stuck in the crossfire. 
meanwhile Peter is struggling to use his Spider powers because of stress. Peter than seems to give up on being Spider-man because of the effect it has on his life as Peter Parker. After throwing his spider costume out it arrives in the bugle.
Ock with Aunt May.

Peter after giving up being Spider Man.

Peter when his web stops working.

Aunt may is unpacking the house when Peter arrives. There he tells a kid that Spider-Man quit.
Peter is finally going on with his life after quitting being Spider-Man. He sees a man getting mugged but does not help him. Peter attends MJ's play and after sees a fire and rushes in to save a kid. he escapes with the kid but hears that someone could not make it out. soon he tries using his spider powers again, but they don't quite work. Harry is confronted by Doc Ock
Peter in the burning building.
 asking for some rare mineral Harry says yes in exchange for Spider-Man. Ock attacks Peter to get a meeting with Spider-Man. This is also when the famous train scene is. this was a great scene and one of the best parts of the movie. Spider-Man stops the train after Ock made it speed up and destroyed the brakes. but he's tired and Ock captures him. Harry tries to kill Spider-Man but unmasks him first. he sees its Peter and hesitates. Peter escapes and goes to save MJ who was captured so Peter would get Spider-Man.
Ock fighting Spidey on the train.
Peter arrives and Ock is recreating the experiment that killed his wife. Spider-man fights with Ock and wins. He tells Ock that his experiment could destroy the city. He tells Peter how to stop it but does it himself. he drowns the fusion core but drowns himself. MJ sees that Peter is Spider-Man and realizes why he said they couldn't be together. At her wedding she runs off to Peter's apartment and asks him to give it another chance. 
Ock and Spider-Man in the final battle.


The movie has a pretty good soundtrack with a handful of rock tracks and having a great score. there are a lot of good songs in the score all written by Danny Elfman. One of the albums actually reached 10 on the U.S. album charts.
Soundtrack album cover.



Spidey on the side of the train.
 Spider-Man AKA Peter Parker is played by Tobey Maguire in the movie. He was not the first choice for Spider-Man in the movie series, but he should have been. In the movie Peter is seen trying to manage being a superhero and his normal life. He has a lot of stress in his life and begins to lose his spider powers at one point. but he comes back as Spider-Man to save MJ from Ock. He also has to deal with Harry and his hatred of Spider-Man. Peter realizes that his powers are a gift, and he must use them for good. Spider-Man saves an entire train but is captured by Doc Ock.
Peter Stops the train.

Peter escapes Harry and goes to stop Ock and save MJ. He defeats Ock and tries to stop the experiment, but Ock stops him and does it himself. Spider-Man is an iconic character in the comics on tv and on the big screen, Spider-Man is one of the greatest superheroes ever.

Doctor Octopus.

Ock bust into a train to capture Spidey.

Ock is one of Spider-Man's archenemies and is played by Alfred Molina in the film. Ock is a brilliant scientist who is hired by Harry Osborn.
He is about to have a breakthrough in fusion when the experiment goes wrong. glass shatters and kills Ock's wife. as a result of the experiment Ock's metal arms are fused to his body. they seem to have a mind of their own and also seem to be communicating with Ock.
They tell him to steal money for his experiments. he steals everything he needs. but at the end of the movie, he makes the ultimate sacrifice to destroy the experiment and save NY.


Overall Spider-Man 2 is an amazing superhero movie. It has great heroes and villains and an incredible story. the actors and soundtrack rock and the quality of the movie is great as well. it all adds together and makes one of my favorite movies. this is an incredible superhero movie and is perfect for Spidey. The movie deserves this rating. Final score: ⭐10/10

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Ranking and rating all of the Star Wars movies I have seen. (May The 4th)

 Ranking Star Wars I - VII + Rogue one.

Star Wars has been my favorite movie franchise for a while. here is my opinion of all of the Star Wars movies I have seen and how I rank them. (I have not seen VIII, IX or Solo.)

Number 8: Episode I The Phantom Menace.

This is 100% the worst Star Wars movie ever created. I always have hated this one. The movie has a worthless plot. the characters do not look great. and Qui-gon is killed before the movie is over. this. movie. is. AWFUL.  Score: ⭐2.5/10

Number 7: Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Ok. This is the movie where Anikin doomed the universe with a kiss. and the focus on romance in this movie is why it stinks. It is an action movie series for gosh sake! but there are some good things about this movie. like Jango Fett and the Battle of Genosis. But mostly it's not a great movie. Score: ⭐4.2/10 

Number 6: Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

Ok some of you may get a little angry about this one. I have my reasons for not liking this one.
The main reason is the story. The movie is practically A New Hope 2! examples: Han's death - Obi-Wans death. Luke shooting at Vader - Chewie's anger issues. Poe attacking the vent on Starkiller - Luke firing proton torpedoes thru the vent. and Vader's family relations - Kylo Ren's family relations! Disney created cool heroes and Villans but could not create their own story!
Score: ⭐ 5.2/10

Number 5: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Now it gets closer. I enjoy this movie but not as much as A New Hope or Empire Strikes Back.
It is a quality movie, but the other 2 originals are better. While this is an iconic movie with one of the greatest battles in all of film: Luke VS Vader on the Death Star. I just prefer the other movies. Don't get me wrong this is a great movie! but Episode V is better. Score: ⭐8.1/10

Number 4: Episode IV: A New Hope.

This movie is incredible and barely missed number 3 on my list. this movie is the perfect beginning to this legendary film franchise. It introduces the legendary Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia in the best way possible! These Three are the perfect heroes for the original movies. Score: ⭐9.2/10


Number 3: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

This was the best Disney Star Wars movie. no contest. It is the perfect prequel to Episode IV. The characters are awesome and stand out. the story is amazing and well written. and the soundtrack is amazing! Score: ⭐9.3/10

 Number 2: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

You may be thinking "Why does he have a prequel movie at number 2?!". but Revenge of the Sith is a great movie! it is my personal favorite out of all the newer Star Wars movies. my favorite character was always Darth Vader and I love how this movie puts the focus on him.
Anikin's transition to Vader is the spotlight of this movie. and that's why I like it! Score: ⭐9.5/10

Number 1: Episode V Empire Strikes Back.

We all saw this coming a mile away. this is the greatest Star Wars movie of all time. If not the greatest movie of all time! From the iconic battle between Vader and Luke to Luke's training with Yoda and the debut of Boba Fett! this movie is straight up amazing and by far the best Star Wars movie ever. I cannot think of a more deserving movie for a 10 than this one. And the big part of this movie... "Luke... I am your father". Score: ⭐10/10

And there you have it. my ranking of the Star Wars movie franchise. and remember... the force will be with you always. Happy May The 4th!