My reviews are structured around a few points. here is what I focus on. (This is for my newest format)
- Plot: A book MUST have a good plot. the plot is basically the book!
- Characters: A character can make or break the story. I believe having a good cast is important.
- Plot: Good story writing is important for films. a bad written movie will probably suck.
- Cast: Same as books. Acting is really important as well.
- Execution: Got to be done right.
- Plot: Could you turn the game into a book?
- Soundtrack: Sonic The Hedgehog level good? or play without sound bad?
- Gameplay: Is the game actually playable? is the gameplay drawn out and lame? or is it inventive and action packed?
- Plot (How good was the story?)
- Characters (Where the characters well written?)
- Plot
- Soundtrack (Did it sound good?)
- Gameplay (Was the game smooth and fun?)
- Graphics: This is not really important for old games like Half-Life and Quake II. so, I will not list this for old-ish games (1990s-2010s) But for newer games I will score it.
- Plot
- Soundtrack
- Acting (Where the actors portraying their characters well?) (Some exceptions.)
- Looks (Special effects and the like)
- Execution (How well was it done?)
- 1 - 15💀 Absolute Garbage
- 15 - 30💢 Sucks.
- 30 - 40👎 No.
- 40 - 50😕Lame.
- 51 - 70⭐Good!
- 70 - 80 💥Great!
- 80 - 90 🌠Awesome!
- 90 - 99 🌟INCREDIBLE!
- Note: the picture is just for fun. 😀
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