Overview. Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Is an adaptation of the best Sonic game ever made. Sonic Adventure 2. But it does its level best to completely ruin the already phenomenal plotline and focus on the wrong characters. S cenes range from amazing to unbelievably awful. Plot. As the source material's plot is amazing, it will come as no surprise that Sonic 3 has the strongest plot out of all 3 films. The story follows the darker themes of the Sonic universe. however, there are some weak points. Shadow Escapes from G.U.N. As a huge fan of the game this film is based off of, I was excited for this movie the day I heard it's release date. But that kind of ruined it for me. If you are looking for a 1-1 recreation of the game, you will not get that here. It's just not nearly faithful enough. I have seen multiple adaptations that were not super faithful such as Unreal Tournament: XAN from Secret Level. But most of them still kept to the original format. Sonic 3 has multiple completely...
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