Wednesday, October 5, 2022

3 Star Wars gems you should watch (and some you shouldn't)

 Star Wars is an amazing franchise but, it still has a fair number of mishaps. here are some lesser-known Star Wars gems you should watch. 

1. Episode 3: revenge of the Sith

Being a prequel movie revenge of the Sith usually gets a bad rep. but trust me, it is an amazing movie with some of the best fights in the series, such as: Anikin vs Obi-wan, Palpatine vs Windu and Yoda vs Palpatine. It also shows the origin of Vader and Luke, it is amazing and my personal favorite.

2. The Mandalorian

Now this one isn't a movie, it's a Disney+™ series and just might be the best Star Wars TV show literally ever. With its incredible story and the vibrant cast of characters the Mandalorian may just be one of the best pieces of Star Wars media ever created! If you have Disney+™ then you need to watch this.

3. Rogue one: a Star Wars story

Rogue one is a Disney™ Star Wars movie and probably their best one. This movie is the perfect prequel to a new hope, with the amazing plot and heroic characters. the unlikely heroes pave the way for Han,Luke and Leia to blow up the death star. it's an amazing film that any Star Wars fan needs to watch.

Now for the bad ones.

1. Episode 1: the phantom menace

Now this was a DISASTER, this awful film has a worthless plot, and
awkward place in the timeline too. this movie sucks and should have been skipped entirely. the characters suck, Qui-gon was a one and done and Obi-wan looks HORRIBLE only watch this movie if you absolutely have to see all of the main movies. and even then, maybe you should skip this movie.

2. Episode 2: attack of the clones

This was a travesty in the Star Wars universe. and to think, I actually used to like this one.
This movie is just dumb, the only thing I like about it is the clone troopers. there are some good elements in the movie like how it showcases the origin of Boba Fett, the battle of Genosis and Jango vs Obi-wan. other than that, it sucks. and as a plus to the dumb plot Anikin dooms the universe by SPOILER ALERT: marrying Padme. this is a HORRIBLE Star Wars movie.


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