Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The 5 Greatest FPS games I have played.

 Here I will rank my 5 favorite FPS (First Person Shooter) games. I love FPS titles. I've played a LOT of FPS titles but 5 stand above the rest for me.  Here we go. starting with number 5:

UPDATE: I will make a revised version of this list soon. I have played some new games that are MUCH better. (Half Life is still 1)

5: Quake II:

I played Quake 2 when I got a N64 earlier this year.  I had wanted to play the OG Quake before I got it.  I hooked up the N64 inserted Q2, and I was instantly in love with it. Quake 2 tells the story of a single soldier who has to take on an entire race of aliens known as the Strogg. The game's story takes up like, less than half a manual page. but what matters is the gameplay. it has a horror element to it and can be pretty creepy. The enemies include: cybernetically enhanced Strogg, and processed humans. The game was followed up by Quake 4 (which I have never played.)  and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Quake is normally known for its multiplayer, such as in Quake 3 Arena and Quake Live. (I enjoy Live. Never played 3.) But Q2 has a spectacular Campaign mode and is at 5 because the other 4 are some of the greatest games ever. I would recommend trying Quake 2 because it is so easy to find. (Steam, Xbox game pass.) Quake 2's rating?: 9.4/10 ⭐

4: Goldeneye 007

Another N64 legend coming in hot! I found Goldeneye on Xbox and gave it a shot and played it for a good while. I've played it on Xbox, Switch and N64. Xbox probably has the best controls, but I beat it on Switch. on N64 the hardest part was the controls. The legendary N64 "Killer App" tells a good story (One of the things I like to see in a game) However it is a movie adaptation. (Never seen the film.)  Goldeneye follows main character James Bond as he battles Janus Spoiler Alert!: Also known as former ally Alec Treyvelan. There are some VERY annoying parts (Cutting a hole in the train and fighting FREAKING DRONE GUNS! Sorry. I just REALLY HATE DRONE GUNS. aka turrets.) The exploration elements are cool as are the weapons and gameplay. It's also easy to find being on Game Pass and Nintendo Switch online. Score: 9.6/10 ⭐

3: Star Wars Republic Commando

This is the best Star Wars game I have ever played. (No, I have not played Knights of the old republic.) The squad-based gameplay makes it stand out from other games I've played. where else can you die in a game and an AI controlled ally can save you! (I may be wrong on this, but I've never played anything like this game.) The story is incredible, and the graphics are good. but the gameplay was ahead of its time. waiting for a sequel however....... MAKE ANOTHER GAME ALREADY! SWRC has had a re-release for Switch and Xbox and is available on Steam. I would recommend this game to anyone who likes Star Wars and Halo. I was fed up with Star Wars Battlefront looked up some games got this and played for 2 hours. This game is an incredible shooter that 100% needs a sequel. (Unless EA screws it up. Lucasarts made the best ones.) And is a great attrition to any Revenge of the Sith fan's (like me) collection. score: 9.7/10⭐

2: Halo: Combat Evolved

CE is the only Halo game I have beaten (Played the anniversary version) and other than 2 it's the only good one I've played. (Never played 3, 4, ODST or Reach) Playing Halo is an absolute BLAST. Halo has a pretty good story but what shines is its incredible gameplay. with a variety of enemies including: the Sangheili (Elites) the plantlike Flood and the Iconic Unngoy (Grunts.) with its open world style gameplay, impressive vehicles and host of weapons Halo: CE is an FPS staple. Released in the 2000's Halo CE has certainly aged well and is way better than 343 industries crummy efforts like Halo 5 and infinite. I enjoyed Infinite at first but after I had played 2 and CE I was just like "No. Not real Halo. Sorry." CE is a legend not just for being a great game, but for being an Xbox savior. Without Halo where would the Xbox be? Halo CE is a LEGEND and is a Must-play for any FPS fan. score? 9.9/10⭐

1: Half-Life

Valve's Iconic debut title remains one of the best games ever made. spawning multiple spinoffs and sequels Half-Life is without a doubt the best FPS of all time. with its exploration and puzzle solving elements HL is a unique experience like no other. starring legends like Gordan Freeman and Barney Calhoun HL is a game where you can kill alien crabs with a crowbar. with a very impressive storyline Half Life combines FPS, platformer, Horror and puzzle gameplay to make an incredible title. and Half-Life also spawned another legend: Portal. There is a large assortment of enemies to fight including: The legendary Headcrab, Zombies without a chest, Marines and Black ops. Ailen slaves aka Vortigaunts. and Humongous minibosses that are very intimidating. HL is not for people who scare easily because Black Mesa is pretty terrifying. there could be a Headcrab in a vent or it could be the Tentacles crashes against the silo. Black Mesa is probably my favorite game environment to date. HL pushed the boundaries when it was released and has aged really well. Having just turned 25 Half Life is a must-play for Steam players. When on sale HL is dirt cheap on Steam. a worthwhile play, Half-life deserves one thing: score 10/10 ⭐ on another note: WHERE IS HL 3!!! VALVE NEEDS TO MAKE ANOTHER HALF LIFE THAT ISINT VR!!! (Seriously though. can they only count to 3? where's Portal 3?)

And 4 that I want to play.

Halo: Reach

Reach always was at the top of my list of want to play games. it's a Halo prequel and I like the story ideas that creates. I've had 2 people tell me it's the best one. (and they both have played a lot of Halo) Seems like a fun game and after I beat HL this is where I'm going.

UPDATE: played! this game is really fun!

Quake 4

As I said earlier. Q4 is a follow up to Q2 and supposedly has one of the best Quake campaigns. I've heard it's on the Doom 3 side of things as an FPS horror title. I like single player in Quake and very interested in this one. 

Half-Life 2

100% Buying this next Steam sale. Half-Life one is already my favorite FPS and this one is supposed to be even better!?
I am NOT passing this game up. HL2 is supposed to have better graphics and a better story. Half-life has had multiple sequels, but this is the only true one. with Blue Shift, Opposing Force, Alyx and the episodes all being spinoffs. 
HL2 is at the top of my Steam Wishlist.

UPDATE: Played. WOW.

Titanfall 2

Apparently made from Valve's source engine Titanfall 2 is a unique shooter starring Titan pilot Jack Cooper and his Titan BT. the titans are why I first discovered the game. a buddy of mine introduced me to the ION titan and I have wanted to play it since! The gameplay also seems like a fun experience. switching from human soldier to towering robot. Xbox game pass has it and I will play it as soon as I can. 

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