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Showing posts from February, 2024

Half-Life Video Game Review

WARNING: This review has screenshots of blood and gore from a M rated video game.   Pre-Opinion PC Cover art. I had just gotten into a big shooter kick. Never had really played any before! Besides Fortnite. (which kind of stinks) But I was playing DOOM, Quake 2 and HALO: COMBAT EVOLVED/ 2. I enjoyed Portal and thought: "Hmmm. Half-Life... Portal was good so... yes. next Steam sale." (IT IS 99 CENTS.) I never got it... until the 25th anniversary. it was free! since then, it became my most played game of 2023 with over 10 hours put into it! Plot   (All screenshots are from my playthrough!) The story begins with scientist Gordon Freeman arriving late to the Black Mesa Research Facility.  He gets into his H.E.V. Suit and heads to the test chamber where all heck breaks loose. The experiment that Gordon was working on backfires and brings all manner of ALIENS to Black Mesa.  The survivors of the incident urge Gordon to make his way to the surface. Gordon has to f...

Ender's Game Book review

  Pre-Opinion Modern Cover I love Sci-Fi. Ender's Game also was centered around Video games and the like. Right up my alley. It was suggested to me by someone I knew who read it for college (?!) Not an educational book FYI. (Has some political elements that can be considered educational. I guess.) The book revolves around 6–18-year-old... Soldiers!? yeah, the book is out there. Plot Note: Books plot sections are going to be very short. (It's a book. Why would I spoil it!?) I will go through the basic first part of the novel. The story starts off with "Ender" Andrew Wiggin getting his IF monitoring device removed. Next it is pointed out to the reader that Ender is a "Third" an illegally born child against overpopulation laws placed by the IF. Yeah, it is messed up. The kids at school mess around with him and a bully named Stilson attacks him. Ender deals with it with... Finality. Ender arrives home and we meet his abusive brother Peter. We also meet his...

Godzilla Minus One review

  Update: New review format: I have created a new format for my reviews. it will have these sections: Pre-Opinion: what I though before I saw the film. Plot: A shortened version of the Story section (Writing the whole story is getting annoying.) Soundtrack: Just the Music section. For games: Gameplay. for movies: Cast.  Post-Opinion: Basically Conclusion. except I Judge: for movies: Acting, Plot, Soundtrack and Looks. For games: Plot, Graphics, Gameplay and Soundtrack.  Pre-Opinion: My initial thought was: "ok let's go to a Godzilla movie. never seen one. Oh, wait CAPTIONS?! oh no..." I saw the trailer and though I had to see it. FYI, the captions aren't a huge problem. I was pleasantly SHOCKED at the film. I also went into the theater cheering for Godzilla and left rooting for Japan. I also expected a so-so story. Yeah... WRONG. Keep reading. Plot This movie had a surprisingly deep story. It follows Kamikaze pilot Koichi Shikishima afte...