Saturday, February 10, 2024

Godzilla Minus One review

 Update: New review format:

I have created a new format for my reviews. it will have these sections:
  1. Pre-Opinion: what I though before I saw the film.
  2. Plot: A shortened version of the Story section (Writing the whole story is getting annoying.)
  3. Soundtrack: Just the Music section.
  4. For games: Gameplay. for movies: Cast. 
  5. Post-Opinion: Basically Conclusion. except I Judge: for movies: Acting, Plot, Soundtrack and Looks. For games: Plot, Graphics, Gameplay and Soundtrack. 


My initial thought was: "ok let's go to a Godzilla movie. never seen one. Oh, wait CAPTIONS?! oh no..." I saw the trailer and though I had to see it. FYI, the captions aren't a huge problem.
I was pleasantly SHOCKED at the film. I also went into the theater cheering for Godzilla and left rooting for Japan. I also expected a so-so story. Yeah... WRONG. Keep reading.


This movie had a surprisingly deep story. It follows Kamikaze pilot Koichi Shikishima after he lies that his plane had problems to save his life and spots Godzilla. Godzilla makes his way to the repair station (Odo Island) and casually kills everyone except Koichi and a single mechanic named Sosaku Tachibana (Important!) Gojira (JPN name) was created by a nuclear bomb test.  Koichi returns home alive to find wreckage and his parents dead. he feels guilty that he survived Godzilla's attack, and he betrayed his nation. he shortly finds a baby named Akiko. Akiko turns out to be the "Adopted" daughter of Noriko Oishi who says that Akiko's mother's dying words were to care for her. The two become Akiko's surrogate parents. meanwhile... Godzilla is DESTROYING Japanese warships. Eventually Koichi lands a job. His new job involves going out to sea and disposing of leftover mines from WWII. Japan reaches out to the US and gets no help. (whyyyyy!? come on USA!) except for some decommissioned warships. Also... Japan warns NO ONE. they think the panic would be bad. HEY HOW ABOUT 30,000 DEATHS! None of it matters though. Shortly Koichi's mine team is sent to stall Gojira's approach to Ginza. They attack Godzilla and then the heavy cruiser Takao attacks. Godzilla SMOKES the Takao and Koichi can't do much. Godzilla makes it to Ginza days later. and enjoy this image of Ginza's remains. Godzilla's heat ray made quick work of the city.
Ginza post-Godzilla.
Koichi opens up to Noriko before the initial attack about his Godzilla confrontations. In the attack Noriko is caught off guard in a train car and barely escapes Godzilla. Later Godzilla is enraged by tank fire and unleashes his heat ray. in the area is Koichi and Noriko. Noriko pushes Koichi out of the way and is presumed dead. Koichi vows revenge. a member of Koichi's mine crew devises a plan to kill Godzilla. Koichi asks for a plane to assist in the attack. They find a plane and a mechanic... named Tachibana! 
The "doctor" shares his plan to kill Godzilla.

Eventually they put their plan into action. It seems to work until... it doesn't. Luckily Koichi is there and flies into Godzilla's mouth before it fires its heat ray. BOOM! Godzilla's finished! or is he... NOTE: I left a LOT of details out. this is the basic plot. go watch it for yourself!


there isn't much to say here... Godzilla is not a movie known for its Score... its still good though.  I think it uses the OG Godzilla theme for Gojira moments. like so:
Defeat of Godzilla.

Yeah. not much to say. Let's skip ahead.


Koichi Shikishima:

Koichi in the ruins of Ginza
I can say that Godzilla Minus one has some of the BEST acting I've ever seen. Koichi is played WONDERFULLY by Ryunosuke Kamiki. Koichi is great as a character as well. portrayed as a war survivor with overwhelming guilt for escaping Godzilla. Koichi is a great pilot and helps put an end to Godzilla's reign of destruction. Man... the Japanese can ACT. Koichi is one of my favorite performances to date. He mourns his parents early in the film but eventually musters enough courage to extract revenge upon Godzilla. and he wishes to protect his daughter's future. 10/10 for acting! good job!

Noriko Oishi.

Noriko sees Godzilla approaching.
 Noriko is great too. portrayed by Minami Hamabe Noriko is the one who found Akiko in the first place. working with Koichi the two work together to keep Akiko alive. Noriko works at first to support Koichi and Akiko until Koichi's Mine job. She actually tried to stop Koichi from going. Both Koichi and Noriko survive their close first encounter with Godzilla. It is revealed she loves Koichi when she sacrifices herself to save him.


First: the trailer!

Second: Godzilla Minus one is back in theaters in black and white! (As a throwback to the 1954 film!) Godzilla -1 is my vote for movie of 2023. one of my favorite movies of all time as well! (It better win that Special Effects Oscar!!!) I'm surprised its acting didn't earn more awards! overall My scoring of it is:

Plot: 87%

The story isn't the best ever. but it is still a great story for a monster movie.

Acting: 100%

I said before it was some of my favorite acting!

Soundtrack: 70%

Is there any soundtrack!? (I couldn't hear anything over Godzilla's roars.)

Looks: 100%

In my book this film has top 3 effects all time! Godzilla himself is enough for an Oscar!

Overall: 100%💎

Wow... Minus one is a freaking masterpiece! Best non-American film I've ever seen! easy pick for movie of the year for me! bye for now. Next reviews will be the Half-Life Video game and The Ender's Game novel.

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