Spider-man across the spider-verse is a sequel to the movie Into the Spider-verse. it is part one of 2 movies. it features Miles Morales as he travels across the Spider-verse to stop the Spot.
this movie has what may be the best story in all the Spider-Man films! the story begins in Gwen's universe when she introduces Miles. later she finds a version of the vulture not from her world. he is an anomaly from another universe. she meets Spider-woman aka Jessica Drew and Spider-Man 2099 aka Miguel O'Hara.
Miguel fights the Vulture. |
they help her defeat and capture the vulture. Gwen reveals that she is Spider-Gwen to her dad who tries to arrest her. meanwhile in earth 1610 Miles fights the Spot in a local store. |
Miles before he fights the Spot. |
he is trying to use his powers to steal a ATM. after he beats the Spot he meets up with his parents at his school's office. they are checking his grades and Miles hears that Spot escaped. they fight and they arrive at Alchamex where Spot reveals that Miles created him, and that Spot brought the spider that bit Miles from another universe. they battle and the Spot is defeated and disappears. Spot is in a void filled with portals to other dimensions. he learns he can go to other worlds, and he searches for worlds with Alchamex colliders so he can get more portals. 2099 gives Gwen a membership to the Spider-Society and gives her a watch that allows her to go to other worlds and not glitch. Miles it at his dad's party when she meets with Miles in his world but was not supposed to.  |
Gwen and Miles. |
Gwen tells Miles about the spider society and its members. afterwards Gwen goes to investigate the spot who has begun universe hopping to get more holes. Jessica tells Gwen to leave Miles, but he follows Gwen though the portal. They arrive in Spider-Man India's world: earth: 50101 they fight Spot alongside Spider-man India and Hobie Brown aka Spider-Punk.
Miles in Earth 50101 |
Miles and Spot share a vision of Miles's dad Jeff being killed by the Spot. Spot destroys Alchamex after getting powered up by the collider. the Spiders race to save everyone on the bridge below Alchamex. Spider-man India sees his girlfriend's dad a police captain trying to save a kid. Miles goes to save him not knowing it is a canon event. Gwen tries to stop Miles, but he goes anyway. After the event is disrupted, the world becomes unstable. members of the society come to try and stop the destruction of the dimension. Gwen takes miles to see 2099 in earth 928 where they meet Peter B. Parker from Into. 2099 tells miles about canon events and Miles realizes that his dad dies in a canon event. Miles runs away from the spider society in an attempt to get back to his home world and save his father. 2099 chases Miles around Nueva York until they come to a chase on top of a |
2099 chases Miles |
train. where 2099 tells Miles he is the original anomaly. and that he was never supposed to be Spider-man and that another world has no spider because of him. Miles venom blasts 2099 and gets back to the Spider society HQ and uses their machine to get to his home world. Gwen is sent back to her home world as well. 2099 and Jessica along with Scarlet spider aka Ben Riley head to earth 1610 in search of Miles. Gwen heads there too with a watch made by Hobie. she goes to his house but realizes he is not there. Miles is heading to his house and tells his mom he is Spider-Man. she has no idea who Spider-Man is and Miles is explaining when his uncle walks in. Miles realizes he is not in his dimension he is in earth 42. A dystopian world where the villains have taken over. (I do not know why there are no other heroes in this world. where are the Avengers and X-men?) he is captured by his uncle who he knows in his world is the Prowler. in earth 42 Miles Morales is the prowler. Gwen gathers her own team of Spiders to save Miles and stop 2099. it ends on a HUGE cliffhanger.
once again Spider-Verse proves that it has soundtrack as a top priority. I said, "Will the soundtrack be as good as the first one?" It is arguably better. The score is PERFECT for this type of movie. Daniel Pemberton created the score while Metro Boomin worked on the soundtrack. The score is one of the best I have ever heard in a superhero movie. As for the vocal tracks my favorite was "Am I Dreaming" which plays during the credits. someone I saw the movie with said and I quote: "Thats the song that plays when the movie washes over you." When it played, I was thinking: "What did I just witness?" The soundtrack album was also super popular.
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Soundtrack album cover. |
Miles Morales Aka Spider-Man.
Miles is my favorite Marvel hero. Played by Shameik Moore he is the Spider-Man of earth 1610 and the main spider of the movie. Miles is introduced by Gwen at the start of the film.
Miles swings through NY of earth 1610 |
Miles tells everyone what happened in between the 2 movies (Into and Across.) Miles takes on Spot early in the film and beats him. He reveals that he created Miles and Miles created him. Also, Miles hit him with a bagel. Miles is a big artist especially when it comes to graffiti. he misses Gwen and is surprised when she comes to visit him in earth 1610 but she is not supposed to. Spot causes all sorts of mayhem in another world where he is powered up by a collider. There Miles learns of his dad Jeffs fate at the hands of the Spot. 2099 tells Miles there is nothing he can do to stop Spot from killing his father. Miles runs and escapes the Spider Society after the recreation of a ridiculous meme. They chase him onto a Nueva York train where we learn Miles is an anomaly. There Miles states that his life is up to him and no one else. He venom blasts 2099 and escapes to what he thinks is his home. It's really earth 42 and the Miles in this world is now the Prowler. Miles has pretty much solidified his identity as my favorite superhero. between the comics and this Miles Morales is an incredible addition to the Marvel film universe.
Gwen Stacy Aka Spider-Woman
Gwen in earth-65 |
Gwen (played by Hailee Steinfeld) is in the spotlight a bit more in this movie. She reveals her backstory involving earth-65s Peter Parker as the lizard and how she accidentally killed him. After that Gwen's own father led a manhunt against her. When a version of the Vulture not from her world attacks a museum Gwen meets Spider-Man 2099 and Jessica Drew. After the battle Gwen reveals her identity to her father who tries to arrest her. she heads to Miles's world after joining the Spider Society to investigate an anomaly (Spot.) She unknowingly leads Miles to Earth 50101 where he learns the Spot will try to kill his father. She takes Miles to see 2099 and he runs. Gwen is sent back home by 2099 where her dad gives her a watch made by Spider-Punk aka Hobie Brown. she goes to Miles's house and realizes he is in earth 42 so she gathers her own team of spiders to save him.
Miguel O'Hara aka Spider-Man 2099
Miguel chases Miles |
The "no fun Spider-Man" is played by Oscar Issac. The name "Property Damage Spider-Man" was given to 2099 by the production team because of the amount of destruction he leaves in his wake. 2099 is the leader of the Spider Society in the film. He is introduced early in the film when he goes to Earth-65 to stop a Vulture from another world who got there. Afterward Miguel begrudgingly grants Gwen membership to Spider Society. He tells Miles about the canon and reveals what happens when you break it. Because he broke it himself. an alternate version of Miguel was shot and killed in another world in a canon event. That Miguel had a family and a daughter. 2099 replaced him and disrupted the canon. That world was destroyed because of Miguel. He does not want it to happen to any other worlds and tries to stop Miles from saving his father. Miguel is the one who reveals to Miles that he is an anomaly.
Dr. Jonathan Ohnn aka The Spot
Spot after being empowered by the collider of earth 50101. |
The Spot (played by Jason Shwartzman) is usually a joke in the Marvel universe. in this case he starts as one, but he becomes the villain no one saw coming. I think how they animated Spot was interesting. they made him to look like a comic artist's unfinished sketch with some living splotches of ink on his body. he says early in the film that he is Miles's nemesis because they created each other. this is somewhat true with Miles only being Spider-Man because he brought the Earth-42 spider to Earth-1610 and Miles blew up the collider when Spot was in it. Spot learns that he can travel to other dimensions. He searches for worlds with working colliders and finds one in earth 50101. Miles and Gwen give chase but cannot stop him. then he says "I'm gonna take everything from you. Like you took everything from me. See you back home... Spider-Man." Spot starts as a "Villain of the Week" and becomes a multidimensional evil. He is not a joke anymore.
This is the best animated movie I have ever seen. I am glad I got to see it in theaters. this movie is absolutely incredible and has a amazing story and the visuals are some of the best I have ever seen. this movie pushed the boundaries of animation and pulled out an astonishing soundtrack as well. this movie DESTROYED the original Spider-Verse and is a great film for Spider-Man fans and comic book fans alike! This movie deserves this rating.
Final score: 9.8 ⭐
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