Monday, April 8, 2024

Top Video games that need to be novels

 I am a huge gamer. one thing I like almost as much as gaming is reading a good Sci-fi novel. and as proved by the HALO series: video games make AMAZING BOOKS! this is my list of Video games that deserve and/or need Novels! I will also touch on where or why they would make the novel. SPOILER ALERT. I will spoil some stuff.

Novel List:

This image was generated by Bing copilot. all other images are the same.


Half Life is 100% My favorite video game. (I finally beat it about a week ago!) And it also has an extensive story. HL has a story in the first game that really could be novelized a la The Flood by William C Deitz. The stories scope largens significantly in HL2'S city 17. Half Life has a lot of great supporting characters too!

Where could the novel end up in the timeline?
  • During the Black Mesa incident?
  • Before it?
  • Connecting HL1 and HL2?
What would it be?
  • I would like a novel starring my favorite sub-Character: Adrian Shepard! They could do a novel about HL1 with viewpoints from Adrian, Gordon and Barney.
  • I have no idea what went on in between HL 1 and HL2.
  • I would also like a bit of backstory for XEN.


Metroid has an extensive story like HALF LIFE and HALO. I have never played Other M but from what I have heard it may be the classic "It was too stupid. redo it somehow." (Sonic Chronicles) I enjoy Metroid as a fun shooter title. I know everyone says Super Metroid is the best game. however, FPS GAMES ARE 100% MY FAVORITE. METROID PRIME ROCKS!

  • Backstory to Prime?
  • New Samus story?
  • Novelization of Super?
  • Metroid Prime Hunters has a ton of background bounty hunters. what about a series starring all of them?
  • Ridley Backstory?
  • Why did the Metroids attack humans?
  • What about the galactic federation?
  • Dark Samus?


Yup. NO-BRAINER. The lore of Portal is COMPLETELY NUTS. Go read the wiki if you want to know what I mean. Wheatly! Chell! GlaDOS! Rattman! Cave Johnson! The possibilities are limitless! The cover idea is for the best possible book idea. I love the Portal games. but 1 thing stands out above the rest. the iconic cake offering murderous robot! If Valve does a Portal novel... I will read the ever-loving crap out of that.

  • Bring your daughter to work day?
  • When Caroline was ported to GlaDOS?
  • During the game?
  • GlaDOS origin story?
  • Chell story?
  • Rattman story?
  • Apertures origin?


Mega Man was my absolute favorite video game as a kid. as I got older, I decided to give Mega Man Zero a shot. Zero immediately became my favorite. But I wondered... where did classic Mega Man go? Why was X a cyber elf? there also is a good bit of Mega Man lore. Another thing about the Mega Man franchise is that there are so many different Mega Men to use! example: MegaMan.exe, Mega Man ZX, Mega Man A, Mega Man Vollnut!

  • In-between games?
  • During a game? 
  • Prologue?
  • Epilogue?
  • Mega Man origin?
  • Proto Man novel? (What was he doing during mm2 and mm1?)
  • Zero?
  • What about Ceiel and the Biometals?
  • Bass?


Sonic is one of my favorite franchises. easily. A Sonic novel would have something to do with 2006 or Adventure DX/2. The lore for those games is way better than the Genesis games. A Shadow the hedgehog novel would be great! how about Tikal or Chaos? Sonic's origin? The comics seemed to do a great job with the story. If Ian Flynn writes one count me in! 

  • Related to Sonic Adventure?
  • Before it?
  • Tikal's time?
  • Aftermath of Adventure 2?
  • Shadow novel?
  • Tails and Sonic origin?
  • How about the ARK?
  • Eggman origin?


May not be your first pick but it needs a novel. ID Software's acclaimed arena FPS is a great game but doesn't have a huge story. HOWEVER: There are a TON of story opportunities. Strogg! Q3A backstory? and what about Quake 4? I love Quake 2 and Live. How about a little method to the madness? If DOOM can do it so can they!

  • A Quake novel could probably fit almost anywhere!
  • A Quake 2 novel about the Strogg?
  • Quake 4 novel?
  • Quake 3 backstory?
  • Quake og novel?

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading my list of video games that need novels! FYI. this is for full length novels. like 350-page ones. Some of these may already have novels. I have only read the HALO novels. so, I apologize is if any of these already have novels that I did not know about.

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