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Secret Level: Mega Man: START Episode Review.



As a longtime fan of the Mega Man franchise, the only reason I heard of Secret Level was Mega Man. After getting my hopes up I was greeted with a 7- minute short that seems like a new episode comes out next week.


The plot is very simple. Dr. Light is running through his lab holding a tablet that is playing a news broadcast saying that his robots are out of control. Rock is working on something, and Dr. Light asks him to help him activate Bomb Man.
Bomb Man

Rock then says he could potentially fight against the robot masters (The name Metal Man is mentioned) And Light tells him that he made Rock to help in the lab. Then a small spider robot jumps from out of nowhere (Presumably one of Dr. Wilys) And hacks Bomb Man who then attacks Rock and Light. Rock is knocked to the ground and combines multiple lab tools to create an ice gun to freeze Bomb Man who then explodes. Rock saves Light and then rock is attacked by another spider robot and then for absolutely no reason he can resist it. Light then admits he was wrong and then he tells Rock he can fight. The next few scenes are Rock testing out his Mega Man armor and then he suits up, Steps into a teleporter and-
Mega Man in his armor at the end of the episode

Thats it. It just cuts to Mega Man standing on a building while the classic Mega Man II theme plays.


The execution is abysmal. Mega Man sounds like a great idea for an animated adaptation but overall, this episode is a complete miss. As a diehard Mega Man fan the only thing they give us MM fans is the mention of Metal Man and a way too short Bomb Man fight. The animation is pretty good, but it looks like they tried to fuse an anime style with realism. Overall, the execution on this one is a complete bust.


Mega Man: Start is most likely only in this series to bring in more viewers and give more attention to the other games. Other than that, it's clearly meant to introduce the concept of Mega Man to younger viewers. But for longtime fans of Mega Man like me it's a complete bust.

Here are the scores.

Story: 38

The plot is rushed along and comes out awful. It seems like it's meant to be the start of its own show. 

Looks: 62

The Anime / Realism thing just doesn't quite hit the mark.

Soundtrack: 30

It's hard to do anything in soundtrack when your run time is 7 minutes.

Execution: 15

This is awful execution. There is nothing else you can say.

Overall: 26 💢

Mega Man: START just seems like a teaser trailer for a Mega Man series. I was excited for a Mega Man tv adaptation that wasn't a crappy kids show. But this was nowhere near what I was hoping for.


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